It is the new mobile messaging application of University Residences, created so you can communicate better with the administration team and send you instantly and from any place your notifications of maintenance incidents, absences, complaints and suggestions.

It will be the only way available to carry out these procedures, and will also serve to receive relevant information from the Residences (procedures, deadlines, sports, cultural and recreational activities, …).

What is its utility?

You will receive general notifications, if you have installed and activated the APP on the mobile device.

If you are a resident and have done the checkin in the Residences you can establish communication with the managers of the same to:

  • Communicate INCIDENCES related to Residences.
  • Report the periods of ABSENCE.

To do this in the APP you must access the username and password you use in the private area of the Residences website.

How to use it?
  1. Login with your username
  2. Communicates an incidence
  3. Check an incidence
  4. Report an absence.
  5. Check the notices received
  6. Remember the password
  7. Be at the parrot of other services