
  1. Can I stay even if I do not belong to the university community?
  2. You cannot stay in our University Residences if you do not belong to the ULPGC or other universities university community.
  3. What is the minimum stay period?
  4. There is no minimum stay period in any of the University Residences.
  5. Is it possible to pay by credit card?
  6. Residence’s short term accommodation must be paid by bank transfer before your arrival date.

    Administration staffs will send you an e-mail with the rates and the account number so that you can pay the deposit.

  7. If I come from a foreign country, can I pay the day of my arrival?
  8. No, you cannot. The payment must be done before your arrival.
    According to the instructions you find on our website, the reservation is not confirmed until you make the payment.
  9. What is the equipment of the rooms?
  10. Rooms’ equipment:

    University Residence of Tafira Campus

    A bed, nigh stand, wardrobe, drawing board, desk, shelve, laundry basket, Internet connection (free when there is network availability), TV and telephone outlets and a bathroom.

    Apartments in Tafira Campus

    A bed, nigh stand, wardrobe, drawing board, desk, shelve, laundry basket, Internet connection (free when there is network availability), TV and telephone outlets, shared bathroom, shower per room, little fridge, shared kitchen and tableware.

    Las Palmas University Residence

    A bed, nigh stand, wardrobe, drawing board, desk, shelve, Internet connection (free when there is network availability), TV and telephone outlets, shared bathroom and a little fridge.

  11. What is the kitchen equipment?
  12. The only buildings that have kitchens are the Apartments in Tafira Campus and Las Palmas University Residence.
    Kitchens are equipped with:

    Apartments in Tafira Campus

    A little glass-ceramic hob, microwave, tableware and a little fridge.

    Las Palmas University Residence

    A little glass-ceramic hob, microwave oven.

    How to Apply for a Place

  1. What do I have to do to apply for a place in the University Residences for the first time?
  2. To apply for a place in the University Residences for the academic course 2018/2019, we suggest:

    • Know our facilities, either personally or through this website.
    • See prices of monthly payments.
    • Read carefully the internal regulations and the Rules of the Call because submitting the application accepts both.
    • If you have any questions, check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ ) section.
    • Fill out the New Adjudication application that can be found in this section available from May 5 to June 30 (after this date will be considered out of time). You must upload a photo-sized photo in the form application. To apply for accommodation you do not need to have the EBAU done. At the time of obtaining places, it is necessary to have the EBAU approved.
    • The authorization form of the Tax Agency is AUTOMATICALLY OBTAINED when printing the request for a place.
    • Once you submit the application, enter your private area and upload a copy of your ID, RESIDENCE CARD or PASSPORT in PDF format.
    • Make a constant monitoring of the status of your request through your private area.
  3. How can I know if I fulfil the requirements to apply for a place?
  4. If you want to know if you fulfil the requirements to apply for a place in the University Residences, please read the Terms and Conditions of the Announcement in the section ‘Accommodation for the full year / Information (more …)’ of our website.

  5. Which are the criteria to allocate the places?
  6. The Selection Committee of the University Accommodation Service offers places depending on the distance from the family home to the university, and also to economic and academic factors.

    For more information, read the Terms and Conditions of the Announcement of our website..

  7. Where can I find the registration forms?
  8. You can find the registration forms in the section ‘Accommodation for the full year’ of our website.

  9. Do I need an e-mail to apply for a place?
  10. In order to send your application form to the University Residences it is necessary to have an e-mail, as we will send you an e-mail to confirm that your application form was sent successfully. We will also send you a copy of it as you need to print it, sign it and send it to us.

  11. How can I get an e-mail account?
  12. There are lots of Internet servers that provide free e-mail addresses. Please, go to their websites to get more information.

  13. When does the deadline to apply for a place finish?
  14. You can check the Renewing and New Allocation applications deadlines by reading the Terms and Conditions of the Announcement of our website.

  15. Can I deliver the application form after the deadline?
  16. You can present your application form after the deadline and you will be included in the waiting lists according to the criteria of the University Accommodation Service.

    You can read more information on the Terms and Conditions of the Announcement of our website.

  17. Is it important to submit the application form as soon as possible?
  18. It is not necessary to send the application form the first day of the call, as we will not take into account first-come, first-served basis. Nevertheless, it is important to send it respecting the deadline as if it is sent after the deadline we will give it less preference.

    You can read more information on the Terms and Conditions of the Announcement of our website.

  19. When is it considered that I have submitted the application form?
  20. Once you submit the application via the website, the administration staff will review it and give you an entry record. At that time it will be considered presented.

  21. What is the date that determines when I have submitted the application form?
  22. The date that is taken into account is the date of entry into our computer system.

  23. Does the ULPGC provide financial help to students to pay the residences?
  24. The ULPGC gives financial help to all the students that are registered in the university and that stay in the university residences. This grant is automatically processed by the Residence Administration, so you do not need to do any application form. We process it and the university provides it, so you will have financial help since the first monthly payment.

  25. How can I apply for the grant that offers my Regional Government (Cabildo)?
  26. There are accommodation grants offered by some Regional Governments to students. You must ask to your Regional Government if you can benefit from them. If necessary, the residents will have to apply for the grant to his/her Regional Government.

    How to Fill in the Documents

  27. What are the functions of the username and password that I need to put when filling the application form?
  28. With these keys you can know at all times the status of your request, see information that we send you, send us your photocopy of ID, etc.
  29. When I write the user and the password, the system says that the user is already created in the database, and it is the first time I apply for it; how can I solve this problem?
  30. In case you have this error, change the username. Surely put a user name that already exists in the database. As a tip put a username that is not very common, or use combinations of letters and numbers.

  31. I cannot remember my username and/or my password, what can I do?
  32. You should go to the section private area of our website. In this section you will find ‘Remember password’. After clicking on it, we will send you an e-mail with your username and password.
  33. How can I change the personal information of my application form?
  34. To change the personal data as well as any information of your request, you must do it before the lists of admitted in the University Residences are published. After this you will no longer be able to make changes to the request ..
  35. What does ‘family members’ mean?
  36. It refers to the family members that live in the same house.
  37. I do not understand what they want to ask in the mobility program section.
  38. This is a section for students that will go abroad or to other universities to study, or foreign students that come from other universities through exchange and mobility programs. We only ask them how long they would like to stay in the residences.
  39. What do I have to do after filling the application form?
  40. After completing the form and confirming that it was sent correctly, hang a photocopy of the DNI (in PDF format) in the private area. Keep a constant follow up on the status of your request through your private area.

  41. I would like to share an apartment or room with a specific roommate or friend, what do I have to do?
  42. The University Accommodation Service will try its best to respect the applicants’ preferences but it is not obliged to respect it.

    In order to request the sharing of a room with a specific roommate, you need to write in the section ‘C. Accommodation Preferences’ his/her ID number, name and surname.

  43. In the section ‘E. Economic Information’, what people do I have to mention?
  44. They have to write down the total number of people living in the same home.
  45. What is the authorization to the Tax Agency for?
  46. It is a necessary authorization to request, from the Tax Agency, the income obtained during the year 2015 from the members of the family unit.
  47. How do I have to fill in the authorization to the Tax Agency?
  48. By checking when completing your application you confirm that you have received authorization from all members of your family whose data you have provided for RIC ULPGC, S.A.U. Can access your economic data for 2015 that may be included in any Administration, and use them if necessary in order to manage the requested service.
  49. What can I do if my family does not have any income?
  50. You just have to fill in the section E. Economic Data, confirm the authorization of all the members of the family unit and we take care of the rest.
  51. We have not submitted the income tax return, do I have to fill in the Tax Agency document?
  52. Yes, it is necessary to fill in all the fields indicating the data of all the members of the family unit.
  53. How can I request to pay by deposit in the bank account or by bank transfer, and not by direct debit? Will this application be accepted? How will I know if my application form is accepted or denied?
  54. You will be allowed to pay by deposit in the bank account or by bank transfer after the justification and approval on the Selection Committee as an exception.

    In order to request it, you need to present the justification of the bank transfer or deposit in the bank account payments to the Residence Administration. The Selection Committee will inform you about the conclusions by e-mail.

    You can read more information on the Terms and Conditions of the Announcement of our website.

  55. Is it compulsory to upload a photo? How can I do it?
  56. All applicants have to attach a passport size photo with the fulfilled application form. You will not be allowed to continue without doing it.

    You will be asked to attach a photo when filling the application form. The photo must be in jpg format and must have 100 pixels in width and 120 pixels in height. If the photo does not have this size, you will not be able to upload it or you will receive an error message.

    In order to give the photo to a suitable size, please follow these steps:

    1. Open the picture in Paint (Windows)
    2. Indicate a percentage (for example, 50% horizontal and 50% vertical) in the Home tab, Image/Enlarge or Shrink.
    3. In the Image menu/Attributes check that the Width and Height are completed with 100 width and 120 height.
    4. In case you cannot change the size, repeat again the step 2 until reaching the approximate measurement.

    Finally, click in the Home tab File/Save to save the document with your ID card and select the format jpg.

    Residence Allocation

  57. If I am not accepted in the first accommodation option I chose, am I still in the waiting lists?
  58. If you do not get a place in you first option, you will remain automatically in the waitlists for the other options. You will only need to accept the place we offer you if you want to have more opportunities to get the place you would like to have. If you reject the place we offer you, you will be at the last position of the waitlist of the residence you applied.

  59. What happens if I decline the place they offer me?
  60. If you decline the place offered by the University Accommodation Service you will be at the last position of the waitlist of your other options.

  61. What happens if I decline the place and then I regret it?
  62. You will have to write a document to the Selection Committee, so that it will examine your particular situation.

  63. How can I decline my approved place?
  64. In order to reject the approved place, you need to go to the section private area.

  65. When will the admission lists be published?
  66. The final list of accepted students will be published after its publication in the official minutes. All the candidates will be informed about the concession, rejection of the place or the application status through the private area.
  67. What can I do once I am accepted?
  68. Once you are informed that you are an accepted student in the residence you have 7 days since the confirmation to pay a €300 deposit with a concept indicating the acceptation of the place, your Name, Surname and ID card.

  69. If I accept the place by paying €300, would someone returns me the money if I do not get place in the residence?
  70. You will only receive back the €300 if you do not get a place in the ULPGC due to reasons attributable exclusively to the ULPGC.

    You can read more information on the Terms and Conditions of the Announcement of our website.

  71. Once the admission lists are published, how long do I have to accept the place?
  72. Once you are informed that you are an accepted student in the residence you have 7 days since the confirmation to pay a €300 deposit with a concept indicating the acceptation of the place.
  73. What can I do after paying €300 to accept the place?
  74. Once you accept the place, you need to check often your private area. Through this section, we will inform you about any change in your application, steps and payments you will have to carry out.
  75. Would the payment of the place be by direct debit??
  76. As the name already suggests, it is a deposit the applicant need to do in order to accept his/her approved place in the Residences. If you do not do it in the agreed time, you will not have a place. That is the reason why direct debit is not allowed.
  77. Should I accept the place if it is not in the building I wanted?
  78. In case we offer you a place in a building that is not your first option, we recommend you to accept it. If you do not accept it, you will be in the last position of the waiting lists of your other options.

    If you accept the approved place, you will remain in the same position of the waiting lists of your other options.

  79. In which cases a place is not allocated?
  80. Do not study at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, have negative reports from the principal, etc. You can expand this information by reading the Terms and Conditions of the Announcement of our website.

    Housing Renewal

  81. What do I have to do to renew the place I already have?
    • See prices of monthly payments.
    • Read carefully the internal regulations and the Rules of the Call because submitting the application accepts both.
    • If you have any questions, check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ ) section.
    • Enter your private area and complete the form from 22th May to 5th June(after this date will be considered out of time).
    • Make a constant monitoring of the status of your request through your private area.
  82. How do you assign the buildings or rooms to the people who renew the place?
  83. The building and rooms are assigned depending on the number of university credits applicants have. The more credits they have, the more chances they have to be assigned to the building or room they prefer.

  84. If I want to share my room or apartment, whose credits count?
  85. If you want to share a bedroom or apartment, the credits of your roommate and you will be added and the final list will be ordered from lowest to highest number of credits. The roommates with the highest number of credits will have more possibilities to be assigned to the room they want.
  86. This year I had some incident reports, does it affect to the allocation of the places?
  87. The room’s election is affected by the incident reports. The decision depends on the selecion çommision.
  88. I applied to share the room or apartment with a person but now I want to share it with another person, what can I do?
  89. In the private area you will be able to change the data of your request before the lists of admitted exit. After this, no changes can be made to the application.
  90. I have to renew the place, do I have to pay the deposit?
  91. You only need to pay the deposit if you asked for it to be returned at the end of the previous academic year or if your room is damaged.
  92. I have to renew the place; do I have to upload a photo?
  93. Yes, you do. All applicants need to upload a photo.
  94. Will I have last year’s room?
  95. The assignment of rooms depends on the number of credits you have. The more credits you have, the more probabilities you have to live in your last year’s room.
    If other person with more credits requests the same room, the room will be assigned to this person.

    Waiting List

  96. What are the criteria to order the waiting list?
  97. The criteria of the Commission for the Selection of the University Accommodation Service to organize the waitlist are the same of the list of accepted students.
    You can read more information on the Terms and Conditions of the Announcement of our website.

  98. I am in the waiting list, what are my chances of getting a place?
  99. We cannot guarantee that you will get a place in the University Residences, but you have lots of chances to get it.

    It is possible that you will not get the place at the beginning of the academic year, but the waiting lists change fast. You can get a place in October, November.

  100. How can I check my position in the waiting list?
  101. You can check it in he section private area and writing you username and password to access (where you can check your application status). If you are in the waiting list, you will see your position on it.

  102. ¿How long is the waiting list kept?
  103. Waiting lists are kept until the 1st December. If you do not want to be in the waiting lists, you can quit them in your private area whenever you want.
  104. If I quit from the waiting list, can I request to join it again?
  105. Yes, but you will be at the last position of the list.

    Application Status

  106. Where can I check my application status?
  107. In order to check your application status go to the section through the ‘private area’ of our website.
  108. How can I keep informed about the status of my application?
  109. You can keep informed through your private area at any time.
  110. Do I have to call the Residence Administration for something?
  111. It is not necessary to call the Residence Administration to check your application status or to get information about the steps you need to take. You can find updated information in your private area at any time.
  112. How can I know if I am admitted or not?
  113. We will keep you constantly informed through the ‘private area’ section.

    Arrival Date

  114. When can I enter the university residences?
  115. You can enter from 11th September 2016 at 12:00h. From that day you will be allowed to eat in the dining room of University Residence of Tafira Campus.

    If you want to enter before that day, you need to apply for it in the Residence Administration by sending them the application form you find in the section ‘Short accommodation’ of our website).

  116. What can I do to apply for a place in the residences before the date of start?
  117. If you want to enter before, you need to apply for it in the Residence Administration by sending them the application form you find in the section ‘Short Accommodation’ of our website..

  118. What do I need to bring to the residence in my arrival date?
  119. The University Residences rooms are supplied with bedding and towels, so besides your possessions you will need:

    Apartments in Tafira Campus: personal care products, detergent and liquid fabric softener for the washing machines. Remember that there is no dining service, so you will need to buy food.

    Las Palmas University Residence: personal care products, detergent and liquid fabric softener for the washing machines, kitchenware. Remember that there is no dining service, so you will need to buy food.

  120. Can I pay only the room and not the board?
  121. The only residence that includes room and board is the University Residence of Tafira Campus, and it is not possible to pay only the room without the board.
  122. When do I have to pay the next month?
  123. You have to make direct debit payments monthly from 5 to 10 each month.
  124. Do I have to pay the same amount of money in December, January and the Easter Week?
  125. Residents that stay in the Residence of Tafira Campus pay less because the dining room is closed.

    About the residences

  126. If I stay in one of the residences which is not located in Tafira Campus, can I eat in the dining room?
  127. All residents can eat in the dining room of the University Residence of Tafira Campus by buying a food voucher. You can buy it in the cafeteria of the dining room.
  128. Is the price per person or per room?
  129. The price is per person and per month.